GuidelinesPhotos › Skipped Photo

    For the photo to appear in Modelisto at least one editor, highlighter or volunteer must “vouch” for the photo in the first 48 hours. This means that the photo adheres to the guidelines, adds value to the wiki and is suitable for promotion to the audience of the directory. If 48 hours pass without the photo been vouched for, then it is skipped from further reviewing. Some of the most common reasons photos are skipped include:

    Nudity Element

    Nudity elements that make the photo less suitable for browsing by all ages and audiences.

    Mirrored Images

    Photos containing mirror reflections of the model are skipped as they contain significantly duplicate content.

    Graphic Illustrations

    Photos that are primarily digital illustrations and photo-montage are excluded. Photos should clearly show a model depicted in a pose, action or scene.

    Split or Rotated Images

    Split images (photos that contain two or more images) should be uploaded separately by preferably selecting the best candidate from the collage. Rotated images should be corrected before upload.

    Blur Scan or Low Image Quality

    The image might be poorly scanned or the image quality low making it less suitable for promoting the artist in a professional manner.

    Duplicate or Redundant Content

    If there are already similar photos on the wiki, adding more causes clutter to the viewers. The selection among similar photos should be the artist’s best visual representation. Each photo should be as unique and concrete as possible.